You may have heard of Nintendo's latest console in passing. It's been talked about for quite some time, and, more recently, Nintendo have told us when to expect it to hit our shelves. The Wii U is coming in the fourth quarter of 2012, and the company are expecting to hit high sales with their latest creation. However, the reviews are mixed and so we ask, what exactly is the Wii U all about?
I did some research in hopes of finding a balanced argument, as we aren't lucky enough to have a Wii U of our own to play on. From what we've seen it looks like two consoles in one - something that we found very interesting. The main console is similar to the Wii in size, being only slightly larger. It's the controller that's really different. It's a touchscreen controller, not dissimilar to the touchscreen on a 3DS and it can be used for a whole host of things whilst playing video games.
Let's take a closer look at the controller, it seems to be the main point of focus. The controller is relatively flat and around the same size as a 3DS, but it only has one screen. The controller can be used to enhance gameplay (such as viewing the inventory on the Zelda game) or to continue playing a game that was previously on the TV if somene changes the channel whilst you play. This can be seen in the trailer below. Regular Wii controllers are compatible with the Wii U as the newst Nintendo console has been made backwards compatible with the Wii. So, if you want to go multiplayer on a game the best thing to do it bring out the old Wii controllers. Why not use two Wii U controllers you might ask. Well, the main reaosn is that whilst it is technically possible for two Wii U controllers to be used, the console was only really designed for one, mainly due to the high price of indiviadual controllers. It has yet to be confirmed if two Wii U controllers are definitely compatible. The wonderful thing about the controller is the fact that it can do so much. Art, internet browsing, enchancing gameplay, acting as its own handheld, built in camera...the list goes on. It's more about the new controller than the actual console.
The only noteable changes to the actual console are that the graphics have been enhanced, the shape is different and it's slightly bigger than the Wii, but still smaller than the XBOX 360 and the PS3. This is where the arguments come in. Some sources claim that the Wii's graphics will not be as a good as the XBOX and PS3, making the console less valuable and saleable. Others say that the graphics and quality are just as good and don't hinder gameplay in any way. I can't tell you who's right, but it seems like an interesting debate. Perhaps the London Expo will have a Wii U for trial?
What I do know is that Nintendo have got some really hardcore games coming out on the Wii U - and I mean some serious stuff. Just take a look at a few of the current planned releases.
Assassins Creed III
Darksiders II
Arkham City
A new Battlefield
For us older gamers this is heaven on a plate - Nintendo is releasing some pretty fantastic titles on their latest console. I reckon I'll be there - will you?
Take a look at the trailer here.
We'll keep you posted on any news that we come across!
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