It's every person dream to be in and alternate place void of rules and free to explore...
Throw in Eighty Gazillion guns..
A Duel Wielding, Gun toting lunatic..
A slightly MGS reminiscent ninja-esque , Sword swinger...
Yet another phasewalking, sneaky blue haired girl...
and a Sniper specialist and most gamers will be left assuming they'll wake up from this dream drooling on their favorite pokemon plushie anytime soon.
Gearbox has announced it, Gamer's have eaten every morsel of data about it up, I have passed out with excitment over it and well....
So yes, It is evident that this shooter/RPG's roleplaying elements were meagre at best and wern't what really sold the game, But if your like most humans and prefer to shoot and never bother to even ask questions afterwards, Then this beautifully crafted game featuring Gearbox's unique form of cell-shaded/photo-realistic violence and action including more guns than a terrorists shed! ... Is probably right up your insanely well armed street!
Throw into the mix that they have now ventured beyond the desolate areas of Pandora which you grew tiresome of in there first endeavor to include glacial areas reminiscent of Iceland/Antarctica and area reflective of the Scottish Highlands ensuring you'll start every gaming session screaming FREEDOM!
So to get back to why your here, Borderlands 2 is set five years after you realised that the vault hunters of Pandora were chasing fairytales and the 'trasure' was more a bloodthirsty monster and Hyperion Corporation have now crawled out of the woodwork with leader Handsome Jack who is striving to become ruler of Pandora.
Now featuring four new heroes who are now required to aide and fight alongside the original Brick, Lilith, Roland and Mordecai. Who have all been hard done by as a result of Handsome Jacks new regime of gun manufacturing and slight psychotic dreams of grandeur.
The new heroes..
Salvador, The gunzerker...
Maya, The phasewalker...
zero, The sword-wielding ninja....
Axton, The sniper expert.
With a promise of more bullet spraying mayhem...
Hmmm, I hadn't actually heard of Borderlands until now. I don't know if I'll be picking this title up, but thank you for letting me know it exists. I am somewhat intrigued...
Borderlands has won GOTY awards and was a sucessful newcomer, Bringing a new form of RPG to the table, I would keep an eye out for it, It had me consumed for well over 500 hours. :)
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