You may have seen it all over Twitter and plastered across the internet. It's no lie - Black Ops 2 is a reality and due for release November 13th 2012. We're buzzing over here and want to bring you a few recently discovered pieces of information. If I could do this as a live blog, I would. Instead, I'm planning on staying up until all the information is released and writing this as the news reaches me. Black Ops 2 is due to be announced tonight and we cannot wait to hear all the details for the next CoD game. MW3 was spectacular and we hope this one will live up to its expectations.
Set in 2025, there's a new problem facing humankind - a lack of rare earth elements. It's no longer about the energy crisis, this is far more important. Rare earth minerals power many of our everyday products, from phones to military equipment. In BO 2, China is refusing to trade anymore elements with the USA and the rest of the world, following an attack on the Chinese stock market. This starts a new cold war between China and the USA, with Russia attempting to provoke both side into full-out war - sneaky.

Here's the most exciting part - your decisions on the game WILL impact the story. The death and survival of your group in missions will have a massive effect on the story. You have the choice to go it alone or control an entire team of soldiers. This looks more than a little exciting. Think of how different this game will be now that you can choose how the story ends - will Menendez succeed or fail?
When it comes to multi-player there isn't much that we know except that it will be filled with zombies, burning buildings and a lot of shooting.
Check out the trailer here, it looks amazing.
November 13th is on its way and the excitement is rising. Are you looking forward to Black Ops 2?
Great info on the game here. I am incredibly excited about getting it in November. I'll be pre-ordering a.s.a.p. Great post - I'm convinced.
Glad to hear that the post helped you make up your mind. We reckon it will be better than Black Ops 1 - which we thought impossible before. - Valhalla
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