Saturday, 17 December 2011

Pokémon and Nobunaga’s Ambition

Posted by The Control Room on 06:45

(I was going to do a Christmas post today but when I heard this I was way too excited and postponed Christmas, sorry (this isn’t the first time I’ve threatened Christmas))

This is the new Pokémon game we have all been waiting for. A whole new concept, a whole new perspective and a whole new generation.

Forget starting at the beginning as a young boy or girl moving to a new town and beginning a new adventure by saving your local professor, in this game, you are a Japanese Warlord and it is set in a feudal Japan, you are trying to gain territory and become omnipotent.  

Ash is replaced with the roguishly handsome (not my words) Nobunaga and his Zekrom. You’ll have the Pokémon from our much loved games and series mixed with Nobunaga’s Ambition  (I can’t be bothered to keep writing this so from now on it is NA) gameplay. From this they came up with the imaginative title Pokémon and Nobunaga’s Ambition.

NA is a 28 year old strategy game with several sequels and remakes (available on NES, Gameboy, SNES and WII).

This game will only be available on Nintendo DS but hey most Pokémon lovers are 12 year olds and have DS’ anyway. But for those of you who do not yet have a DS, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? Pokémon is only available on DS and online and the online version is nowhere near as awesome as the DS game. So get your butts of the sofa, unglue your eyes from your High Resolution laptop screens and get down to your local Game or Gamestation and get yourself a DS.

Here’s a little something for you to watch:

Just kidding, I’m sure most of you can’t understand Japanese, those of you who can I commend you. In my case, I only understand small amounts of Japanese so translating this was close to impossible and there is nothing yet in English so either spend ages attempting to translate this in google translate or just be patient and wait for the English one.


Hmmm, seems like a weird mix to me. Pokemon and Feudal Japan? I reserve judgement until I have plyed it, but I'm deeply concerned about the direction that Pokemon (a fantastic game) is going in.

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