It's time to rebel, to rise up against the tyrannical King Logan - also known as your thin, pale and generally sickly looking brother. In Fable III it's all about rebellion and leading an army to restore Albion to its former glory. This is the story of a prince (or princess) and their journey to becoming the ruler of Albion.
You start out well enough - woken up by your butler, dressed in the clothing of your choice, it's all very relaxed and peaceful. You go and meet your girlfriend (or boyfriend) in the gardens, you fool around a bit and then suddenly your calm and easy life is shattered right before your eyes. There are protesters outside the palace, yelling about the cruelty of Logan and how he has changed over the past four years of his rule. It is then that you are called to the throne room where your brother forces you to choose - send a group of protesters for execution, or your love interest? It's a difficult choice, but it has to be made. Once you have decided who dies, your Mentor, Walter, informs you that you must escape the palace along with your butler, Jasper, and your dog.
You have to agree he looks pretty unwell. |
The graphics aren't amazing quality, and I know it's a slightly older game being two years old, but they could have been better. Regardless, it doesn't take away from the great storyline. There may have been a few parts of the main story that I found a little disappointing, such as the length of certain battles during the game, but you can never have a perfect game. Despite the few flaws it is a fantastic story and allows for really great, enjoyable gameplay. I highly recommend picking up a copy of Fable III from your local game store. Partly because it's a great game, but also as rumour claims the next Fable game will allow you to merge your Fable III save with it - but more on that later, watch this space...
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