Hi guys.
So I’ve been really busy lately as my English teacher was sent to hospital so I had to write an essay that wasn’t due until January and was very complex, it needed to be in this week. So it’s been crazy and Valhalla has been doing a lot of work, big thanks to him, in return I promised I’d write tonight’s post alone but as usual little Titus has somehow managed to get Valhalla involved again. Praise to Mighty Valhalla.
Next week we have a Christmas special planned for you (this is honestly exciting me despite the fact that I’m a total Scrooge when it comes to Christmas).
We also have the December competition which I hope all of you are looking forward to (us not so much, it costs money).
What would you originals say if we brought back follower Saturday after Christmas? I think it’s a great idea seeing as there is more of you now so we are more likely to get a suggestion (which we didn’t get many of last time, I think it was about 2).

Sorry tonight’s post is so short, I’m really short on time and despite Valhalla’s attempts to help I think he fell asleep again, he’s not well, I don’t blame him, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that sick, although it also means that I don’t get the Boltgun Metal paint I needed to borrow to paint my Orcs.
Temple Run, eh? It actually sounds lke quite a lot of fun! I reckon I'll have to try this out on my phone...I'll install it now. Thanks for that, Titus! :)
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