But, OH MY G…….
What’s that?
I’d like for us to take the time to reminisce about one of the gaming industrys much loved RPG titles as it is reborn.
It all started on December 31st, 1996, When a dark fantasy/ Horror themed game called Diablo was released by Blizzard Entertainment after being painstakingly developed by Blizzard North.
Set in a fictional kingdom (But, still with many similarities to our our) of Khanduras, Located in the world of Sanctuary, Diablo see’s the player take on the role of a protagonist (a choice of three classes is available Rogue/Warrior and Mage) trying to fight back the Lord of Terror, Diablo and his invading forces of evil.(One of which being one of my most loved characters of a game ‘The Butcher’ and his proclamation upon your arrival “ AHHH FRESH MEAT!”)
Beneath your starting location of Tristram, Your character ventures through sixteen levels of dungeons before ultimately ending it in a face of with Diablo himself.
This feature to me also acted as a way to perform systematic desensitisation on the player as each level becomes increasing more gory and disturbing the more you proceed. (however this may just be a biased view of a psychology student)
after selling over 2.5 million copies Blizzard true to the form we know and love today, Followed 4 years later with the even more groundbreaking and adored sequal Diablo II
Diablo II followed in the same steps as its predecessor (albeit a lot less horror orientated than the first) and was a direct sequel to Diablo, Landing itself as one of the most popular games of the year 2000! – With the addition of new character classes which featured Paladin, Amazon, Barbarian, Necromancer and sorceress (with a further class Druid being added with the expansion later on).
Changing the pace from purely fighting Diablo and his minions (which is plain to see would have got old way too soon), Diablo II takes a different approach and is split up into four ‘ACTS’ (each following a predetermined path and quest list).
Again the players assume the role of the protagonist hacking and slashing monster after monster throughout a vast wilderness and dungeons in order to level up with the added bonus of hiring mercenaries to help you in battle.
At the end of every act there is a substantially boosted boss monster to fight, in addition to this Blizzard have also included two prime evils brother Mephisto and Diablo (boss monsters for acts 3 & 4), two lesser evils Andariel and Duriel (boss monsters for acts 1 &2) and with a later edition of the expansion set Diablo II : Lord Of Destruction the final Prime evil is introduced Baal (boss monster for act 5)
Through Diablo II the player learns the truth of the corruption of Santuary and the story of the soulstones (from which Diablo released Mephisto and Baal)
thus, This leads me to finally get to talk about why were all here (the icing
on the cake if you will), Diablo III.
The first thing I would like to talk about is the new list character classes available for the player to choose from in Diablo II and these are Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Monk, Demon Hunter and Wizard (Why change the format that worked so well in Diablo II I hear you say), Well the answer to that simply is the catastrophes that followed the defeat of the three prime evils basically destroyed anyone who was in their path and the only reason the Barbarians escaped is because they fled to the mountains.
The second thing is not necessarily the best choice in my eyes, But a bold statement to where Blizzard want only gaming to go and this is the implementation of auctions houses. (two to be exact)
One will be a place where players can spend in-game gold and another where players can buy and sell virtual items with one and other for real-world money.
Blizzard followed the announcement of this feature on August 1st 2011 by stating that nearly everything that drops in-game (including gold :S), Can be bought or sold directly to players through the auction house system. (However the real-world auction will not be available to player who chose to play Hardcore ‘Only one life, no resurrection’)
The first thing I would like to talk about is the new list character classes available for the player to choose from in Diablo II and these are Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Monk, Demon Hunter and Wizard (Why change the format that worked so well in Diablo II I hear you say), Well the answer to that simply is the catastrophes that followed the defeat of the three prime evils basically destroyed anyone who was in their path and the only reason the Barbarians escaped is because they fled to the mountains.
The second thing is not necessarily the best choice in my eyes, But a bold statement to where Blizzard want only gaming to go and this is the implementation of auctions houses. (two to be exact)
One will be a place where players can spend in-game gold and another where players can buy and sell virtual items with one and other for real-world money.
Blizzard followed the announcement of this feature on August 1st 2011 by stating that nearly everything that drops in-game (including gold :S), Can be bought or sold directly to players through the auction house system. (However the real-world auction will not be available to player who chose to play Hardcore ‘Only one life, no resurrection’)
Thankyou for reading J…
New Classes
Real Currency Trade
World Map
I AM LIKING THE COLOURS HERE! Do excuse the capital letters - it's the only form of expressing excitement on the internet when emotes are unavailable. Diablo III looks quite cool, I have to admit. It took me a long time to become a Diablo fan, but I reckon I'll be giving this one a shot.
I'm assuming that you're the new blogger here? The three muskateers of the blogging world. Thank you for the update, Tanky.
Indeed I am, Thankyou for the feedback, This game sums up my childhood gaming :)
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