Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Your Dungeon My Dragon

Posted by The Control Room on 15:37

Your Dungeon My Dragon by Adam de la Pena
Hi guys, this isn’t a game but technically we do all things geeky and if this isn’t geeky then nothing is.

This is an online animated series about 2 Guilds, one good and one evil, who are constantly at war with each other. It’s funny, geeky, and it has a trouser-less Dwarf in the first episode (All very good reasons to watch it.). So far only the first episode is available to us but there are interactive games for you to enjoy in the mean time (if you have Windows Internet Explorer 9).
I think I will provide you with a character list
First and favourite of mine:
Kill the Brobarian. Kill is part bro(lover of partying, girls and things that make him Hench) and part Barbarian(we all know what a Barbarian is but for those who don’t, they like swords, storming castles and wearing very little, he keeps his sword in his loin cloth). He lives by the Philosophy ‘Strong and Wrong’ which I think tells you all you need to know about him.

Next is Hork. Hork is the trouser-less Dwarf I was telling you about, he spends a lot of time looking for them. He is a professional wanderer (or as we would call him today, hobo). He isn’t terribly bright but he can change in to various animals for short periods of time.

Amy the Enchantress is the most powerful member. Most dudes are scared of her, which is just how she likes it. She has a bit of a thing for Kill despite their constant bickering.
Haro is an Archer Elf with an Afro. He fights with a Golden Bow but he is also a bit of a ladies’ man. He is the brains of the operation and the one who keeps them all alive.

Devious Most Evilest (My favourite villain). Devious is half Dracula and half Warlock, how is that possible you ask? Well his father is Count Dracula and is mother is supposedly of one of the very rare female warlocks. He supplies his Coven of Evil with Mission Statements and such that help him keep control. But don’t all villains secretly have a dream? Devious does. He wants to start a Hip-hop/rock fusion band. Really he just wants to have fun.
This is ‘I’m just a Skeleton’. Skeleton wants to raise his status but is often getting into trouble. He has nothing especially interesting about him, other than being able to drive a car.

Krog is made of Brimstone and bad ideas. He does what he is told as he is the muscle of the group. He wants a girlfriend (Amy if possible) but he isn’t very good with the ladies (and Amy never returns his calls).

There is also Zonkie. Can you guess what he is? Yes, a Zombie/Donkey.
Here is the link because I know how much you guys want it.
I wish I could give you more information but sadly none is availiable at the moment.


Hello there, Titus. I really liked this post. You've done a great job on it and I am inclined to watch the episode. Thanks for the info, I'm gonna go click on that link...

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