I'm way behind other people with Skyrim - they're always asking me if I've done this and that. It's depressing having so little time to play games at the moment. I haven't even been on WoW for the past week. Anyway, I hat a few hours to play Skyrim tonight, which pleased me greatly. I've been looking forward to slaying my first Dragon for the past week or so. When I was at college, I thought about it. At work, I thought about it. Basically. it hasn't stopped. A can of my good friend Dr. P by my side, and a pair of toasty socks on my feet, I started up Steam and continued with my adventure. I may be writing this at two in the morning, but all those hours of Skyrimming were well worth it.

Irileth was standing in front of me, waiting to tell me what to do next. She was rather abrupt (we never got on very well) and ordered to meet her by the watchtower so that we could take down the dragon that was threatening our lands. Filled with passion and love for Whiterun, I raced on at full speed towards the watchtower, jumping over tall grass and dodging pointy rocks. As I approached the little stone tower, I met up with the guards and Irileth, all of which were relatively pleased to see me. Staying as close to the other soldiers as possible, I surrounded the tower with them, my weapon held firmly in my hands. It was only a matter of seconds before the dragon arrived. Lacking any sense of strategy or thought I raced in there with my mace, hoping to strike the beast in the head with my mighty mace. Yeah, that failed epically. I was cooked like a spit-roasted hog. I decided that the second attempt should be better planned. Best to think before I start getting all heroic and feel like I can destroy anything. I took a moment to think out the second phase, and decided that the best thing to do was to go long range -which I did. Using my hunting bow I was able to get a good shot and slew the Dragon in a minute or two. Easy stuff, didn't take me long. Despite how simple the battle was, it was absolutely exhilarating, and I cannot wait to kill my next. I am no longer a Dragon slaying virgin. Feels good, I tell you that!

The Dragon was dead, and I was feeling pretty good. Striding over to the corpse of the fallen beast (brimming with confidence, of course), I stood before it ready to loot its body. Suddenly, something strange began to happen. A fiery light surrounded both the Dragon and I, consuming us in a mesmerising, powerful force. The Dragon's flesh began to tear away from its bones and turn into energy, energy that was absorbed by me. I figured this was a pretty weird thing to occur, and judging by the muttering from the guards behind me, I was right. Once I had absorbed the power, I discovered that I had gained the ability to shout like a Dragon - I was pretty pleased by this. The guards were incredibly excited, asking me to shout for them, praising me on my heritage and exclaiming how proud they were to be fighting by my side. I appeased them by shouting at the top of my lungs, with a force so strong that it blew the guards backwards. They were massively impressed by this act and continued to shout my praise.All except that damnable woman, Irileth. She just stood there, unimpressed and telling everyone how she couldn't care less about anything that I was able to do. As long as I could kill Dragons, all was well. Her reaction just irritated me, so I hung out with the guards on my way back to Whiterun. Well, part of the way - they were being far too slow for my liking.
Dragon Slaying makes you thirsty |

I made my way back to the Jarl so that I could report my findings to him. On my way, I met some strange looking soldiers, who appeared to be the Skyrim equivalent to a Middle-Eastern soldier, that wanted me to track down a woman from their clan. According to the foreign men she would be going by a different name, and although they refused to tell me why they wanted her, they were offering money for me to return her to them. As they were not welcome in Whiterun, it was up to me to complete the task. However, I'm having a moral problem here, and wonder if it's right for me to hand this woman over. What do you guys think? I also heard a long anti-Elf speech, which I took the time to listen to. Apparently, we Elves are bad creatures and this guy who was preaching happened to be chosen by Talos (who I am sure is made of metal in Greek mythology, the servant of Hephaestus.) which made him divine and wise. I'm not sure I believe any of what he's saying, after all, I'm an Elf and I haven't stolen anything yet; even though I've been incredibly tempted by that horse outside the stables. Ignoring the preacher (who goes on a lot, I have to admit), I continued to the palace at the top of the hill where I approached the Jarl, respectfully and politely of course. He was very pleased that the Dragon was dead, and that Whiterun was safe from harm for a little while longer. Slouching in his chair, he asked me what else happened during the fight, as if he knew about my new found power - the power that the guards had called that of the Dragonborn. Reluctantly, I told him about what had happened, how I absorbed the Dragon's power and what the guards had called me. The Jarl was intrigued by this and asked if I had heard the rumbling noise from before. I had almost forgotten about it. The noise was deafening and the whole ground shook. I nodded, showing that I did indeed remember the event. The Jarl told me that a special group of people (it's early in the morning, I've forgotten their name) were summoning me. He also told me that nothing like this had happened for many, many years. I could tell that everyone was shocked, even sceptical about what was occurring, but I knew that it was something vital to my destiny. Listening intently, I took in everything the Jarl told me to visit High Hrothgar where they would be waiting for me. I accepted. As I was about to leave, he gave me the title of Thane - a hero of the land. All the citizens of Whiterun would know who I was and would respect me. Feeling pleased with myself, I thanked the Jarl and bid him goodnight.

Adventuring takes a lot out of you, and I was shattered. I desperately needed sleep, and I could find no where to go. The Drunken Huntsman had no rooms, and whenever I went into an unlocked house someone would scream for the guards. After hours of searching, I arrived at the HQ for the Companions, an elite group with limited membership. I had planned on being a long ranger, but being in need of sleep I decided to do things that no free Elf should ever have to do...I joined the club. I spoke to a guy called Vilkas first, he was a little grouchy, but I thought he was alright. He directed me to his superior, who was next to him. I had a quick chat with him, and in the end I was told to practice fighting with Vilkas outside, which I did. I won that mini battle, no problem there. Vilkas seemed annoyed, but remained respectful and took the defeat like a man. For me to become a full fledged member, I was required to take Vilkas' sword to a blacksmith so that it could be sharpened. So, I began another quest, knowing that I would have a bed by the end of it. It was the thought of warm blankets that kept me going.

After I found the smithy |
Warm blankets are a myth, and beds are lost in time. That's what I was thinking as I searched hopelessly for the blacksmith and a bed. I searched so long and hard that night turned to day, and I had gone yet another night without sleep. Exhausted from all my previous battles, I was overjoyed to discover an inn known as the Bannered Mare where I was able to rent a room and take a well deserved rest. By the time I rose from bed, refreshed and full of life, it was dark again, but I no longer cared - I had a blacksmith to look for. I continued around the whole of Whiterun again, but to no avail. It was by luck that I found the smithy, and only because I saw the very corner of the stairs on my way around Companions HQ. I raced up the stairs and chatted to the blacksmith, who was pleased to receive the sword. Once I handed Vilkas' sword over, I was asked to deliver a shield to one of the other Companions, which I did loyally. Once it was done I became a member of the Companions and was given my very own bed (yay!). I was very pleased by this.

I didn't feel like going to my main destination right away, especially as I wanted to buy a house and level up a bit before heading out. So, I accepted a load of side quests that I haven't done yet. I completed two tonight. One was beating up and intimidating a rather vicious woman, and the other required me stealing a book that gave evidence for someone;s kidnap. The others will have to wait.
Beating her up... |
Stolen book |
Breaking the news to the family |
Join me again soon for another Skyrim update. Happy Dragon slaying, readers!
A very tired Valhalla.
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