Sunday, 1 April 2012

Valhalla's Adventures in Skyrim Continue

Posted by The Control Room on 06:11

It's been a little while since I told you all how my adventures in Skyrim were going. The truth is, I haven't had much time to play it  - which is quite sad. So, today I thought I'd spend a couple of hours playing so that I could tell you all how things were going. Since my last update a lot has happened. I took a carriage to Riften, bought a new horse and killed another dragon. I fought some undead - which I will never do again 'cause they make me jump - and I paraded around shouting at people (mainly guards) and laughing evilly when they hit the walls. I'm good friends with the companions, have a couple of houses and am looking for a warrior spouse. Today though, I focussed on questing, and questing alone.

Arrow to the knee...yes...haven't heard that one
Today I packed up my bag and decided to make my way to a quest that I had long ignored. After all, I'd left this guy on the mountain for weeks now and figured he was probably a little chilly. Being the thoughtful elf that I am, I grabbed the next carriage from Whiterun to solitude, one of my horses tied to the back of the cart. It took a long time to actually get there - it was afternoon when I left and around midnight when I actually reached the gates of Solitude, capital of Skyrim. The 'taxi' driver hadn't been kind enough to drop me off at the gates and so I had to run up an incredibly steep hill to actually get into the city - hills are always off-putting to potential attackers. According to the guard outside I was "Just in time to say 'hello' to Roggvir". Apparently he helped the Stormcloaks assassinate the High King. I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious. 

Midnight execution

It seemed a bit odd to have an execution at close to one in the morning, but I figured they must be pretty desperate to get ride of the guy. a child begged for the executioner not to kill Roggvir, everyone else was pretty keen on him dying. I decided to get a front row seat, get in the splash zone for when they hacked his head off. Sadly, the spray wasn't powerful enough, but I still got a decent view - wood elves are bloodthirsty, you know. After the execution I spent the night at the Winking Skever. According to the innkeeper the name comes from his childhood pet - a Skever that winked. Back when Skevers were smaller and less dangerous. 

In the morning, I decided to go buy another horse - I like to buy a horse in every city I visit. This time is was a nice pale/cream mare that I named Creamy. Creative, I know. I left my black horse, Knight, at the stables because I only really ride him in Whiterun and Creamy needed to be tried out. Supplies packed, I made my way to the now freezing man on the mountain. As I galloped up the mountain something strange crept into the screen. It looked like it was a moving flame but I couldn't be sure so I decided to take it slow for a moment. Of course, taking it slow is never really a good idea and it only led to me being pounced on by a witch and her flaming servant who I can only guess was a fire elemental of some description. From this point I legged it as fast as I could and made sure to escape her and the wolf that jumped out of the bushes. Escaping the crazy witch and the wolf I realized that my destination was actually down the cliff - which was annoying. There was a cave next to me that I thought might lead down, but instead I decided to see if I could jump. Most people would realize that that's not really possible, but I only figured that out when I died half way down the cliff. Going back to my last save, I decided to try a different route and made my way along a lower path. However, I jumped my horse at the wrong time and her legs and neck broke, killing my Creamy instantly. I was quite sad. Partly because I quite liked my new horse but also because I had lost 1000 gold pieces. Leaving her body on the road (I couldn't move it alone) I went back up the mountain. 

Creamy :(

Flaming corpse. Nice...
Going back up the mountain I realized that having a horse is really helpful, mainly because you can outrun psychotic sorcerers and their weird elemental minions. I came across an apprentice and his minion and was killed pretty fast - setting me on fire was really impolite. They just threw my burning corpse aside. Returning to my last save point next to my dead horse I decided to walk back to the stables and grab Knight, even though I didn't want him in any danger. I have an incredibly loyal steed, you know. My horse, my awesome horse actually walked from the stables and to me as if he knew that Creamy had died. Touched by his gesture, I jumped on and decided to try and whole new route - around the mainland. I reached the docks and after some exploration of the area decided it would be best to try and use the path that seemed to wind around the mainland and beside the sea. I would have been able to see if that path actually led me to my destination but I was interrupted by a webcam call that made my game freeze and enraged my poor laptop. Annoyed, I accepted the call to complain about the interruption and then got distracted. So, I'll be back on Skyrim tomorrow and on Monday or Tuesday I'll tell you if that path actually worked. 
Knight! So loyal...

Oh, and I'll be telling you all about our new blogger. You should be excited about that. 


R.I.P Creamy. March 31st 2012 - March 31st 2012


Oh, poor Creamy. It must have been hard to lose a horse so soon after purchasing it. Very sorry to hear about your horse.

How annoying that you were interrupted. Next time don't get distracted and keep playing! ;) I would very much like to hear more about your adventures.

It was very hard. I really liked that horse. We had a good thing going...

Yes, yes. I must make sure I am not so easily distracted next time. Hehe.

- Valhalla

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